Thursday, April 06, 2006

Does God ever feel distant? When is the last time you really spent quality time with God? For me I feel as though I'm an ant stuck in a jar and whenever I try to climb out I fall again and again I am stuck and my life is hopeless. Or have you ever felt like this?: When I was about ten years old I was outside and I found some of those really big bummed spiders by the back door. I decided to get a closer look so I put them in jar. Later as I was walking in the back yard I spotted a grasshopper not any ordinary grasshopper because this grasshopper was missing a leg ( a perfect target) So due to the fact that I was kinda bored with the spiders I thought hey what if I put the grasshopper in with the spiders that would be exciting. So I did and I can still remember that day as clear as a bell. That grasshopper was scared what could he do not only was he stuck in a jar but it had two spiders in there with him. So what did I do? I watched for like two minutes and this feeling of guilt and worriment overtook my body and soul. I quickly got the grasshopper out of there and let him go. The point Im trying to make even though I can look back on this story and laugh, is that many times we are broken and can barely make it in the world and just when we think life couldn't get any worse it does. But instead of laying there in our misery and getting eaten by spiders so to say. Cry out to God even if you only have one leg. He's waiting for you. Once you do you will be free. Yeah you still might have a missing leg.But in time God will heal that too. Trust in the Lord with all your heart and sing to him a new song. Hope thats deep enough for you Trav. And thank you everyone for your replies. May God bless you this season as he creates in you a clean and healed heart for him. JEN FEHR
Would you really die for the person you love? Literally die? The saying " I would die for you" is easy to say, but when push came to shove could you really do it. I'ts hard to fathom that an ordinary man would die for us, give his own life in unbearable pain to pay for our selfihness, greed, and plain stupidness. Yet did he really want to. He cried sweats of blood before he was arrested. He must have been stressed to the max and yet he still obeyed Gods command. So we too as christains are called to die. Physically? No. We are to die to sin. To take up our cross daily our burdens our hardships and follow Him. So how do we do it? Sure it's easy for a day to be devoted to God. To say ok God today I'm going to follow you and nothing is goingto go wrong. Eventually we mess up. We fall and our cross of hardships falls crashing on our bodies. Most ppl including me decide its to hard and give up. But there has to be a point when we decide to stand up again, and we are not alone. Jesus is right there helping us and when we decide to let him take up our cross for us it is a lot easier. So friends and fellow brothers and sisters in Christ I am begging you and pleading with you to take up your cross and let Jesus be in control of your life. Lets remember what he did for us and never forget. God bless all of you.

Friday, March 24, 2006

Hey so I'ts almost the weekend and I am pumped. Not that I don't enjoy babysitting but I really enjoy the weekend. Me and Kelly are going to an auction in Blaine Lake so that should be fun. We will probably end up taking home a whole bunch of junk. Oh well. So lately I've been thinking how does a person lose their passion. Can you really lose it. Can it be changed or misinterpreted. Does anyone really know what their passion is. Or do we live on the spur of the moment and whatever comes our way we do? Also why is it when something hits us like a cannon ball do we just give up and except it? What if we stood up shook the dust off and carried on? Would our lives be the same or would they turn out the way they are now because eventually we would mess up?
Why is it that when we lose people in our lives that we fall and can't get up? Why do we get depressed? Why does it seem like life is not worth living? And on the other side of it all why when we know that they are in heaven we can rejoice and live our lives normally, but we must remember their death every year. Are we supposed to celebrate the dead? The reason I talk about this is because my good friend Jordan who I attended ywam with died a year ago on feb 27 along with his sister and his newly fiance. Did I struggle with it yes. But I was reassured becuase I knew he was in heaven so therefore i was able to rejoice. Now my friend Mel she struggled more than I did, I believe she still does. So why is it that I don't and she does? Didn't God grant her reassurance that she would see him again in heaven? Why do we have to lose loved ones without being able so say good-bye to them? If you do not understand my writings thats alright because the brain is a very complex thing. Mine more than others.
God Bless

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Hi everyone, so I still do not know how to do much but I can write. Me and Kelly have been doing well. Kelly just started his new job yesterday and its interesting to say the least. He works with non-christains who are very paganish. One young woman is a ex-stripper. So he needs lots of prayer. There are also porn magazines there in the lunch room. It is definitely a new mission for him. We do believe God has a plan for him there but it will be a interesting experience for him. I am doing good, my days are mostly boring. Ive been seeking God in what his will for my life is and what my passion in life is. Other than that i dont really have much to say. I miss you all and wish I could visit with you. Well have a great day to all who read this. I did check out your blog carrie. you should put a picture of you up there. Once i figure out how then i will too.

Friday, March 17, 2006

i dont know what im doing
Hi everyone I've started up a blog so yeah once i figure out how to work it should be pretty cool. Until then have patience.