Sunday, June 03, 2007

Well since everyone is doing this seven secrets,
I decided I would too. But instead of doing
seven I think I will only do one.
Oh I don't know if I should tell you????
Can I trust you???? Well I'll tell you what in
nine months I will tell you. To be more precise on Feburary fourth my secret will be released..........


John said...

Jen you are pregnant. Congratulations, Chris and I are so happy for you.

John said...

And that is a post worth waiting for. Where were you guys this morning. I missed you.

Anonymous said...

we are currently in edmonton having our interview for bethany homes. Your prayers would be beneficial. Lots of love Kelly and Jen

Cindi said...

YAY BILLY!!!!!!!! I'm gonna be an auntie! And Chloe's gonna be a cousin! She prays for her cousin every night before bed! *Insert head tilt and "awe" here!*

Cindi said...

Hey bill, did you realize your baby is due in 8 months!! I'm SO excited! This is almost as exciting as being pregnant myself!

Anonymous said...

JEN!!! THAT'S CRAZY!!! I saw a baby thing on cindi's blog this morning and wondered what that was about, which one of you was pregnant, that's so exciting!!!!!! congratulations!!!

footsack said...

Congrats Jen and Kelly!!!!
I just got off the phone with your mom and she said 'Go check out Jen's blog' and I knew right away what it was.
So happy for you and your whole family. There is nothing as precious as the birth of a baby.
Praying for you all.

Becky said...


Margaret said...

Jen & Kelly,
The one day I don't check your blog and you finally have news. And what news it is. Huge congratulations!!! I can't wait to see you as a Mom, Jen.

Anonymous said...


Sue said...

Congratulations again Kelly & Jen!!
We are so happy for you (and for us).

To our Fehrest grandchild... we are so excited and can't wait to see you.

Mom & Dad

Jen said...

CONGRATULATIONS Jen and Kelly!!!! I'm am thrilled for you guys!!!

Anonymous said...

Congrats!!! YAY!!!

I love baby news. Hope you have a super easy pregnancy. I hope it's, sorry.
That's so great Jen. So GREAT!

footsack said...

Jen is that an actual ultrasound of your baby??? I thought you were like only a month along?

Cindi said...

no it's not, I found it on the net and thought it gave her blog a more "baby's coming" look!

Carol said...

Congratulations to you both. What exciting news. Another wonderful addition to our ever growing family.

Unknown said...

Awwww, I'm so happy for you guys! My mom actually told me a couple of days ago. That's SO EXCITING!! Congradulatios, you guys!!